Hair Loss – Causes and Treatments

Hair loss is a common symptom of illness, especially cancer, but it can also occur with many other conditions. It can be a difficult symptom to live with, but there are treatments that may help to slow down or prevent further hair loss.부산탈모

Almost all of the hair on your head grows in cycles, with follicles going through periods of active growth and resting. When a follicle’s cycle is disrupted, it can cause hair to fall out. Hair loss can affect both men and women, but is more common in men with hereditary baldness or male pattern baldness. It is also common in women during and after pregnancy, menopause or a hormonal change caused by birth control pills or hormone therapy.

If you are experiencing unexplained hair loss, your primary care doctor or dermatologist can do a number of tests to find the cause. They will ask you questions about when the loss started, what kind of balding you are having, whether it’s patchy or in one spot, and what your lifestyle habits are. They may order blood work to check for anemia, low levels of vitamin D and abnormal thyroid hormones. They might also do a scalp exam to look for inflammation or sores on your scalp.

A number of medical conditions can lead to temporary hair loss, including a fungal infection called tinea capitis (tin-ea-CAP-itis) that causes red, scaly patches on the scalp or a head sore known as ringworm; autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata and lupus, which can cause thinning and baldness; and a disorder that makes you pull out your own hair called trichotillomania. Some of these problems may be treated by medications, and your hair should grow back once the medicine is stopped or the condition is cured.

The most common type of permanent hair loss is telogen effluvium, when large numbers of follicles enter the resting phase but don’t go back into the growth phase. This can make the hair seem thinner all over and is very common in both men and women with aging. Other types of hair loss include thinning along the hairline, which is normal for some women, and gradual thinning after puberty, which is normal for most people.

Most unexplained hair loss isn’t treatable, but treatments may help you slow down or stop the hair loss and keep your hair healthy. Hair transplants, follicle transplants and other surgical procedures are available for severe or persistent hair loss. They are usually expensive, and it can take six to eight months for the new hair to grow in fully. You can also try using a wig or other hair pieces, or changing your hairstyle to disguise the thinning or balding. Your doctor or a specialist in the field of trichology can recommend practices and products to keep your hair healthy. They can also prescribe special shampoos or topical medications to help you maintain your hair or slow the balding process. They will likely recommend that you avoid stress, eat a healthy diet and never share hats, combs or brushes with others to reduce the risk of infections.청담모바로의원